
Big Brother 2015: Six compete for crown in finale

Meanwhile Jack McDermott, 23, from Plymouth, was fourth, Nick Henderson fifth and Cristian MJC (Matthew Clarkson), 20, a rapper and biomedical science student from London, sixth.


“I just don’t feel like I deserve this”.

Chloe then revealed she would be buying Joel a Vespa scooter, which is basically adorable.

“She’s said she will help me with the shortfall on the mortgage because I’m working two jobs seven days a week at the minute and she’s also said she would like to help her brothers get on the property ladder”. I had so much in trust in them that they were what they said they were. I don’t know how I made it this far! I felt a bit talentless, a bit out of place and a bit overshadowed.

“Big Brother 4” wasn’t exactly jam-packed with memorable moments, but we do recall the time when Ray chose to relieve his stress with a little bit of self-love, shielded by his duvet in the “BB” toilet.

Chloe was tipped to be this year’s victor not so long ago but her popularity started to tank when she decided to take £5,000 for herself rather than contribute it to the prize fund.

So Cristian got very upset about the question about him and his antics with a former girlfriend and a camera, he even went in to Big Brother to give out about everything being broadcast to the public, he was particularly upset that certain parts were going out that he wouldn’t want his parents or grandparents to see.

“The way it was worded, everyone was getting offered five grand and I thought I’d not have a cat in hell’s chance of winning”.

Possibly because she’d just remembered she’d FI-NA-LLY be allowed to venture outside just four walls. I’ve had the time of my life and I’d love to win.

However, Michelle and Stu weren’t actually the first couple to consummate their “romance” within the walls of the “Big Brother” house.


Williams said: “I’m very humbled that people have picked up their phone to vote for me and I’ve come second to an unbelievable, well worthy victor in Chloe”.

So close Danny- so close