
Big Brother Spoilers: Major Shift In Power Alert!

Plus, it’s double eviction night which means that we’re in for a week’s worth of Big Brother within one very special Thursday night edition!


For everyone who hated “Big Brother 18” most of the season – and understandably so – Wednesday night’s live feeds were a breath of fresh air.

Bridgette and Michelle joined forces to try and shake things up. Worst case scenario – they sell out Natalie and James and Jatalie ends up on the block, or Natalie and Michelle. Paul will be able to play the middle of the house and avoid a target on his back.

Paul was enraged by this and while it wasn’t initially clear if he was playing it up or being honest, it soon became clear that he was ready to go against his “PP” alliance.

James Huling, who was selected as the Care Package victor for the week, is allowed to cancel out two eviction votes on August 11.

The nominees, Zakiyah and Michelle, compete against HOH Victor, Nicole, James and Paulie for this week’s Power of Veto. But if Paulie, Nicole, or Corey win, well, that’s. just. lame. Paulie however denies these alleged advances, to which James only responds that he is upset with Natalie for making him think this was happening. Paulie is completely in the dark about this new plan and is still convinced that Michelle Meyer is getting unanimously voted out. Paulie was not happy about this, calling Natalie a “Jersey girl” in the pejorative sense, saying this is what they’re like.

Natalie is up now brushing her teeth, and Zakiyah is doing her make up. “Even if I don’t use it, you’re still not going home”, Paulie tells Zakiyah before the ceremony. James, who won the care package to cancel out two votes, finally realized that America sent him the package to shake up the house. However, there were some personal attacks that happened later that may have cemented James’ stance as against Paulie. Paul tells Paulie that if everything goes perfectly, Zakiyah will go home, as she is the stronger girl.

Last night James and Natalie opened up the lines of communication that may change the game. Paulie said that she was going to the jury house, still under the assumption that this would be happening on Thursday.

This is bound to be a highly entertaining double eviction night with Paulie, Corey and Nicole still having no idea about the plan to save Michelle.


But it’s still worth a shot, and with Natalie, Michelle, James, Bridgette, and Paul all playing in this week’s HoH, they have a great chance of winning. Da’Vonne Rogers, who is the latest contestant to get evicted, thinks that one of the players is taking advantage of their friendship.

Paulie Calafiore and Paul Abrahamian on Big Brother