
Big Mac Infographic Tells A Frightening Story

At least now you know exactly what you’re letting your body in for.


They added: “We have removed all artificial trans-fat from our menu, the iconic Big Mac contains no artificial colours or flavours and the bun does not contain any corn syrup”. “If you want to enjoy a Big Mac, try to keep it an occasional event, “is the advice from Fast Food Menu Price”.

They reckon the burger will ignite your brain’s reward system, which is also a feature of illegal class-A drugs like cocaine.

A new infographic claims that within the first ten minutes of chowing down on a biggun, your blood sugar is raised to “abnormally high” levels, and the calories make you feel a bit high and dreamy and like you’re on the best coke rush of your life, before you come crashing down with ALL OF THE THIRST after half an hour.

Forty minutes after the Big Mac experience, the FFMP claims your body has lost control over its blood sugar regulation and fast food cravings become intense.

First 10 Minutes: The graphic claims that a regular Big Mac (with cheese and sauce) contains 540 calories (in the United Kingdom this is 508 calories) and raises your blood sugar levels to abnormal levels. These kinds of foods trigger your brain to release higher levels of feel-good chemicals like dopamine than usual and because of this they can encourage compulsive eating.

“For over 10 years we have been evolving our recipes to reduce salt and sugar, reducing the sugar content of our Big Mac by more than 22%”. Your kidneys also have trouble eliminating the salt and your heart has to work faster in order to pump blood through your veins.

This triggers high blood pressure, which can ultimately lead to heart disease, or a stroke. “This was useful when food was less plentiful and less energy dense, but today makes it more likely we will overeat”, Dr Joanna Mcmillan said. The bun’s high-fructose corn syrup is quickly absorbed by your GI tract, creating insulin spikes and even bigger hunger pangs.

An hour has passed and digestion has well and truly kicked in – but give your body time, because this bad boy will take a good deal of time to digest.

And after the full hour, you’re still not even close to digesting the Big Mac. Though we often mistake dehydration for hunger, there are many factors that can affect whether one Big Mac causes dehydration, including exercise, medical history, and our current state of hydration.

It all started last month when a pharmacist let us into the inside secret about what really happens to your body when you drink Coca-Cola (or so he believes).


It takes approximately 51 days to digest trans fat.

Kim Kardashian eating a McDonald's