
Big win tightens Trump grip on Republican race

Cruz now trails Donald Trump and Marco Rubio in Nevada, with 17 percent of the vote to the NY billionaire’s 45 percent and Florida Sen.


Republican presidential candidate, Sen.

“I’m anti-prostitution”, the Florida Republican told reporters on Monday when asked about his upcoming visit to Elko, Nevada, where prostitution is legal.

As Marco Rubio continues to gain steam in the race for the Republican nomination, a leading political expert is looking into his crystal ball to make a few predictions.

“He now goes into Nevada on Tuesday and is expected to win there easily and should be very successful in the south on Super Tuesday”. Cruz and Rubio will have find a way to broaden their appeal and if either is to overcome him.

But as voters in the only state that allows prostitution head into Tuesday’s GOP caucuses, Rubio did not say he would advocate making prostitution illegal nationwide.

Nevada will be their last stand to rise as the clear anti-Donald Trump alternative for Republican elites to coalesce behind.

“This is your campaign, and it is a campaign to break down every barrier that holds you back”, Clinton said in her victory speech at her Caesars Palace headquarters on the Las Vegas Strip. “No wonder he has lost Evangelical support!”

The field of Republican candidates, which once stood at more than a dozen, has whittled down to five, with Jeb Bush the latest to pull out of the race on Saturday following his poor showing in the South Carolina Republican primary. “I don’t know what he wants to grow”. Speaking to MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Monday, McCarthy said Trump’s victory and Rubio’s second-place finish in Saturday’s SC primary dealt a blow to Cruz’s strategy to win the nomination.

In an interview with Jake Tapper for CNN’s “State of the Union”, he said that with his win in South Carolina’s caucus and Clinton’s win in Nevada’s primary, the presidential battle will only be between him and the former Secretary of State.

He adds that Trump’s ground game has not been as visible in the Silver state as Cruz’s or Rubio’s well organized efforts, with Rubio spending the most money on advertisements.

“Trump, amazingly, is in a commanding position to become the Republican presidential nominee”, said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Centre for Politics. Cruz and Rubio took home none from SC, leaving them with a total of 11 and 10, respectively.


Cruz failed in his attempt to get Carson to concede during a face to face meeting on Saturday in SC before the voting began, and after bad blood between the two over “dirty tricks” allegedly played by the Cruz campaign in Iowa had spilled over the two subsequent contests.

Dropped out- Jeb Bush ends campaign