
Bilateral meeting between Prime Minister Muscat and Canadian Prime Minister

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau discussed the issue of Ukraine during his visit to London.


Trudeau rubbed shoulders with royalty at the Malta summit. “Her Majesty remains an integral part of our country’s history, progress, and future, and her years of leadership have been key to the Commonwealth’s success”.

“What’s most important for Canada…is that we continue to be a strong player within the coalition against ISIL… also in terms of military engagement”, Trudeau said.

“The government is committed to making climate change a priority and working with the worldwide community”.

Trudeau arrived in Valletta after a stop in London with the goal of rallying Commonwealth support for a climate deal.

Following CHOGM, Trudeau will be in Paris from November 29 to 30 for a bilateral meeting with President François Hollande.

Trudeau leaves the United Kingdom tomorrow for Malta, where the 54-country commonwealth is holding its leaders’ summit.

He jokingly commented that although the two countries are very different in size, they are not different in worth. Topics will include climate change, economic opportunity, violent extremism and radicalization, migration, gender equality and women’s empowerment, as well as the implementation of “Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.

Trudeau then heads to Paris for a UN Summit on Climate Change which begins on Monday.

Instead, India says that developed countries that contributed historically to GHG emissions need to take more responsibility for reductions.

Canada will provide aid to developing countries to combat climate change, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Friday ahead of talks on global warming, which he has promised will show the country is serious about tackling the issue.

Fife said that Trudeau was expressly asked to attend the biennial meeting of the Commonwealth leaders by U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who wanted him to stress the importance of a climate change agreement at the end of talks in Paris.

He also noted: “Climate change is an immediate and significant threat to our communities and our economy”.


In fact, the adviser said, not a single world leader has questioned Canada’s pending withdrawal from the air war during the last two weeks of fevered worldwide summitry. “I look forward to partnering with provinces and territories – and all parties – to achieve an ambitious global climate agreement at COP 21 for our and all future generations”.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives in Malta ahead of the Commonwealths Heads of Government meeting Thursday Nov. 26 2015 in Valletta Malta