
Bilateral talks with China must be based on PCA ruling: SolGen Calida

“The Philippines will not sacrifice what we have obtained from this decision but we will also pursue diplomatic means hopefully to convince China that we can co-exist peacefully”, he said.


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said late Thursday he would send former president Fidel Ramos to China to start talks on the ruling of The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration.

“In the past, the freshwater provision to troops stationed in the South China Sea could not be guaranteed, and could only be provided by boats delivering barrels of water”, the CNNC said.

Abe expressed concerns over Beijing’s expansion in the South China Sea, and repeated the Japanese position that the ruling is legally binding and must be respected by all parties, a top Japanese official said.

In its ruling Tuesday, the tribunal found China’s far-reaching claims to the South China Sea had no legal basis and that Beijing had violated Philippine maritime rights by constructing artificial islands and disrupting Filipino fishing and oil exploration.

“The United States claimed Iraq had nuclear weapons and invaded Iraq, which was later proven to be a sheer lie; and a recent British report on the Iraq war (The Chilcot Report) embodied a clear condemnation of the US-British conduct”, the expert said.

The Philippines brought the case against China in the Court, arguing that the land formations claimed by Beijing in the South China Sea are not islands and therefore are not entitled to 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone.

“While there may be actions or statements following the ruling that stoke strains temporarily, it is unlikely that there would be the sort of substantial broadening and deepening of disagreements that would materially affect either China’s or the Philippines’ economy, budget or policy effectiveness”, according to Moody’s. “We hope that Australia can be more serious about worldwide law and not treat it as a game”, Lu added.

The Chinese Premier says the DOC has helped maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea over the past years.

Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims over the waters.

“Moody’s does not believe that the PCA ruling will significantly impair trade through the South China Sea”.

The United States has adopted the policy of intervention in global affairs since the Cold War, using various pretexts to justify its meddling in other countries’ business, Saeed said.

China has vowed to ignore the ruling.

Immediately after the ruling, the normally brash and outspoken Duterte privately told his ministers to be magnanimous and not to pique Beijing, according to one minister.

But the cautious tone appears to be changing in the Philippines, where there are signs of public disgruntlement with the subdued government response to a decision that most of the country was celebrating.

The chief of its naval operations, Admiral John Richardson will discuss the South China Sea among other issues when he meets China’s navy commander, Admiral Wu Shengli, from Sunday on a three-day trip to “improve mutual understanding”, according to a USA navy statement.


The Global Times cited the report as saying that “marine nuclear power platforms will be used” in the islands and reefs of the Spratly chain in the contested sea “to ensure freshwater”. Experts said little progress had been made on the plan, which would likely stoke further tensions.

The South China Sea.