
Bill Clinton accuses Bernie Sanders supporters – “Berniebros” – of sexism

Bill Clinton’s Sunday riff earned comparisons to 2008, when Hillary Clinton faced off against another insurgent challenger – President Barack Obama.


Bernie Sanders has also addressed the Flint crisis on the campaign trail, and has called for the resignation of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder – something Clinton has not yet done.

Politico’s report cited a half-dozen people close to the campaign who said that the Clintons aren’t pleased with their campaign’s messaging and digital operations.

Before introducing his stumping wife, Bill quickly added: “I don’t mean that in a negative way”.

President Clinton launched his offensive in a speech on Sunday in which he criticized Sanders’ policy proposals, including universal healthcare and free public colleges, as unrealistic.

Though the Sanders campaign has distanced itself from the “bros”, Clinton suggested that Sanders supporters made it hard for women to speak freely about his wife’s campaign online.

But students in New Hampshire say that integrity and cutting through “Wall Street greed” are bigger issues than gender alone. Sanders in the final days of the New Hampshire campaign. But to me, what feels decisively un-feminist is this notion that younger women are incapable of making informed, smart decisions about when it comes to who they’re going to vote for in this election.

It was no wonder why, after barely squeaking out a win in Iowa last week, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton bolted from her “victory” rally in just 5 minutes, knowing New Hampshire would be a much steeper climb.

Mr Clinton was referring to the so-called “Berniebro” phenomenon in which a small number of Mr Sanders’ supporters have harassed those who disagree with them.

Bill Clinton’s strongest criticism was, however, directed toward some of Sanders’ supporters nick-named “Bernie Bros”, who he alleged were using misogynistic and sexist language to attack Hillary Clinton’s supporters online.

“I know a lot of young people are supporting my opponent and I want them to know that I support you and I will work for you”.

“I’m very confident in the people that I have”.


“I haven’t heard anyone talk about Hillary it’s mostly just talk about Bernie, honestly”, Franks said.

Progressive group under fire from Sanders crowd