
Bill Clinton and Donald Trump held 2016 chat

After all, Trump was the guy who had once said Bill Clinton’s lies about Monica were just harmless fibs compared to George W. Bush’s lies about Iraq.


Several weeks before Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy, he received a phone call from former president Bill Clinton at his office in Trump Tower in Manhattan. Clinton insists that the private conversation was “informal”.

Who else would a conservative folk hero turn to for wise counsel while contemplating a run for president but Bill Clinton? The call also raises questions about why Clinton was so eager to appeal to Trump. But roughly half of that money-$1.8 million-appears to have been channeled to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Among the more crowded Republican field, Trump hogs an even bigger share – 46.6 percent. According to GOP Florida congressman Carlos Curbelo, Trump “quite possibly is a phantom candidate recruited by the left to create this entire political circus”.

Clinton and Trump have reportedly phoned each other in the past to discuss golf or the New York billionaire’s donations to the Clinton’s charitable organization. The danger is not that he will get the nomination, but that his irresponsible talk will become the image of the Republican Party, and that his bombast will drown out more sober voices that need to be heard, thereby making it harder to select the best candidate.

In any case, much of this is likely to be cleared up on Thursday night when Fox News host Chris Wallace begins the first GOP debate with the question, “Mr. Trump, are you a Clinton plant, sent to destroy the Republican Party from within?” Steele adds, “Unfortunately for Curbelo, Trump is only gaining in the [GOP] polls”.

The former president is known to have a mischievous streak, but even he could not have foreseen how well his encouraging his pal The Donald to run for president would work out.

Clinton had to know Trump would be certain to say things that would shake the race up and drive the more staid Republicans nuts. Since Trump entered the presidential race, however, he and Hillary Clinton have increasingly traded barbs. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had the most popular individual tweet, with a tweet about climate change receiving 57,000 retweets.

But now the Republicans had a frontrunner whom Trump considered to be perfection itself. The world blew up around us, we lost everything, including all relationships. He spoke as someone who really believes he can win.

As the for the details of the call, it apparently came from Bill Clinton.


“As a businessman and a very substantial donor to very important people, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do”, he was quoted as saying.

Data and graphic from Google