
Bill Clinton calls Hillary the ‘best darn change-maker’

Bernie Sanders loyalists warned that the Democratic Party could rupture over the nomination of Hillary Clinton after a volatile night that saw a large group of Sanders delegates and supporters exit the party’s national convention to stage a sit-in at a nearby media tent.


Sanders has endorsed Clinton, but some of his supporters protested in Philadelphia against the party leadership’s apparent backing of her during the Democratic primary fight.

Glass ceiling broken ” What an incredible honor that you have given me. “This is about saving our children”, she said.

From the somewhat long-winded story of how they first met, Bill proceeded to reinforce the theme that Hillary is a “change maker” – indeed, signs emblazoned with that slogan were on display throughout the speech.

The former president has campaigned frequently for his wife during the White House race, but mostly in smaller cities and towns, part of an effort by the campaign to keep him in a more behind-the-scenes role.

At the finish, Clinton said choosing the “real one” would mean voters would be blessed by their children and grandchildren.

Liberals, including Sanders supporters, have always been critical of some of his trademark economic policies, such as the NAFTA free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada, and Wall Street deregulation.

They rejected Sanders’ call for unity even after the Vermont senator took the symbolic step of declaring Clinton the victor of the state-by-state delegate count inside the convention in Philadelphia. His action, following a contentious opening day Monday, drew extended applause from the delegates as the song Happy blared through the arena.

The retired congressman was flanked by Sanders delegates afterward, including Cristobal Villegas from Utah, whom told Frank that his speech was divisive and insulting.

Clinton is scheduled to deliver a speech accepting the nomination on Thursday, the final day of the convention. “Tonight we are closer than ever to putting a woman in the White House”.

The mood was buoyant, as state delegation speakers touted their natural glories and problems, including Alaska’s “receding glaciers”, as they announced their votes. “And he says pregnancy is, quote, an ‘inconvenience” for a woman’s employer”, Richards added.

Power of women ” Mr. Trump, come this November, women are going to be a lot more than an inconvenience.

Albright warmed up the crowd before Bill Clinton’s appearance with a warning about the dangers of a Trump presidency.

But it wasn’t only Clinton who broke a glass ceiling on Tuesday when she became the first female nominee of a major party. “The fact is, he has already done damage, just by running for president”.

Mrs Clinton’s nomination was a milestone in America’s 240-year-old history.

“With [Mikulski] retiring, I’m thrilled that she gets this opportunity”, Venetoulis said.

Bill Clinton had the spotlight Tuesday night. “You all helped me break barriers”. – Sybrina Fulton, the mother of unarmed black Florida teen Trayvon Martin, who was shot dead in 2012 by a volunteer neighborhood watchman.

Martha McKenna, a Clinton delegate from Maryland, said the night felt like a celebration for Sanders’ campaign as well as Clinton’s. Hillary’s aides often complain that she’s “the most famous, least well-known person in the world”, so her husband devoted 40 minutes, and his still considerable oratorical skills, to trying to remedy that.

And Ima Matul, a survivor of sex trafficking as a teen-ager in Indonesia, noted that Clinton “was fighting to end modern slavery” long before it became a prominent issue.

Clinton has made gun safety a foundation of her presidential campaign, vowing to push for expanded criminal background checks and a renewal of a ban on assault weapons.

Sanders, meanwhile, vowed that his “political revolution” will endure.

Women face more difficulties in being elected in presidential systems.

“It is not just about electing candidates”, he said. And she filed a report on that, which led to some changes, too. Delegates weighed in with repeated chants of “Lock her up”.


Trump has been a frequent target at the Democratic gathering, where several videos featured his comments about women and the disabled, and tried to discredit the real estate mogul’s business record. “I think it was an appropriate act for him, considering his position”, Bauer-Mayorga said.
