
Bill Clinton carves out a brand new role for a former president

Other women have run for USA president – most notably Shirley Chisholm, in 1972, who shattered her own glass ceiling as the first African American woman to serve in the House of Representatives.


Several designers including Diane von Furstenberg have voiced their support of Clinton in recent months.

I hope Charlotte loves that thing as much as her grandfather loved it last night.

In 1993, she chaired a task force to overhaul the nation’s health care system.

But maybe American voters will come to realize: You know what, it would indeed be fun to have a beer with Hillary Clinton.

“I get it that some people just don’t know what to make of me”, she said.

“Yes, there are still ceilings to break – for women and men, for all of us”, she said during a rally in Brooklyn. He also said the former president should continue his Clinton Foundation work on climate change, global health and economic development.

Clinton knew he needed to tell the country these stories because, as he said, they illustrate the “real” Hillary Clinton, not the “cartoon” character created last week at the Republican National Convention. “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons”.

“.The more you hear from Donald Trump – the more demagoguery that he puts forward, the more misogyny, the more racism, the more division – these people that are Bernie delegates in their heart don’t believe in any of that”, Bremer Muggli added.

“My earliest memory is my mom picking me up after I had fallen down and giving me a big hug and reading Goodnight Moon“, Chelsea said.

Clinton understands that perspective, Johnson said, because of her own mother’s struggles growing up. I like to think there is some of that ’60s revolutionary spirit left.

Though the speech went in chronological order – beginning with the time he first met Hillary while standing in line to sign up for class in law school – Bill Clinton did not reference the time his marriage was challenged the most: his public scandal with Monica Lewinsky after he had sexual relations with the White House intern.

“And she has a connection to hard-working American families forged in her lifetime of leadership and service to others”, Pelosi said. She realized that Clinton’s achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the strong women working at every level. Today there are more than 100 women between the U.S. House and Senate.

But, said Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, “This is different”.

On its cover, the Houston Chronicle declared Wednesday, “With nomination, Clinton makes history”.


This constant repetition proves one thing: This is what Democrats want people to think about Clinton. “(Cases like) Plessy v Ferguson made us understand the importance of African Americans.

Watch the Mothers of the Movement say: We're with her.