
Bill Clinton heckled by children on the golf course

Pedestrians going to Tijuana from San Diego at the San Ysidro crossing must choose between a line for Mexicans who get waved through, and a line for foreigners who must show a passport, fill out a form and – if staying more than a week – pay 322 pesos, or roughly $20, for a six-month permit. Current Secretary of State John Kerry claims the Chinese or Russians may be reading his government encrypted emails.


First, Hillary Clinton said she was confident she had never sent any classified information from her email address.

It’s no overstatement that Hillary Clinton’s email snafu has dramatically hurt her chances at being the next President. Bill Clinton would surpass former 1st lady Barbara Bush – or Anna Harrison, relying on the way you look at it – if Hillary Clinton becomes the nation’s 1st female president after the 2016 election. Some conspicuous failures – among them Russian Federation, Libya, Syria – implicate Hillary.

When that failed, Mrs. Clinton herself tried to defuse the situation and only made it worse by retorting to a reporter that she did not wipe her servers with a cloth and she did not know technically how to wipe a server. Now, as she seeks the White House again, Clinton has tried to pull a few pages from Obama’s playbook. Almost 60 percent of Americans polled already consider Hillary untrustworthy and dishonest. Will an egocentric Obama accept a Clinton-centric Democratic Party? If Hillary escapes and wins, the Clintons will prevail.


Whenever she crashes, pre-primary, primary or general election, Hilary’s wholly-predictable wreck will be anticlimactic.

Clinton turns 69, bids for oldest presidential spouse