
Bill Clinton: Hillary Clinton nearly certainly healthier than Donald Trump

“I think she had every right to spend a few days recuperating, just like anyone else who’s sick”, he said.


Video appears to show Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stumble as she leaves the 9/11 memorial at ground zero Sunday morning.

The poll of 1,910 responses shows a lack of trust in the presidential candidate, a worrying sign for her campaign with just two weeks to go before the first presidential debate in NY and two months until the election.

Trump’s move is likely to increase pressure on Clinton to release more information about her health.

In a new television ad and on the campaign trail, Mr. Trump said Mrs. Clinton’s attack – as well as her response to the blowback – is unbefitting the presidency and “disqualifies her from public service”.

Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 anniversary event Sunday in NY and was seen on video stumbling and being held up by aides. “She’s already disclosed much more health information than he has”.

“I probably would have been better off if I pulled my schedule Friday”, Clinton said. Clinton added that she initially didn’t think her diagnosis was “that big a deal”.

Clinton was apparently diagnosed last Friday, given medication and advocated rest.

The Wall Street Journal said that Clinton released a summary of her health past year, with her campaign noting that was enough information. There was little shade where Clinton was standing alongside other dignitaries. There was no more information given, besides confirmation that she had arrived home almost two hours after leaving her daughter’s, until after 5 p.m. when the press received a statement saying she’d been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday.

Later in an interview on CNBC, Trump said, “It’s interesting because they say pneumonia, but she was coughing very, very badly a week ago”.

They were serious, so serious that #Hillarybodydouble began to trend on Twitter after Clinton’s re-emergence from daughter Chelsea’s apartment. Clinton exited the building on her own, wearing sunglasses and carrying a handbag. “It’s a attractive day in NY”, she added, while smiling and waving. She was then driven to her home in suburban Chappaqua, New York.

He said Clinton’s rough weekend raises the stakes for the first presidential debate on September 26, which “will either finish Trump or, if he does well, it will create a race”. That was a mistake, Fallon said.


The poll also found that, while 38 percent of surveyed voters thought Republican nominee Donald Trump was healthy enough for office, only nine percent thought the same of Clinton. Her campaign has sought to turn the matter around on Republican opponent Donald Trump, who has released only a glowing letter from his doctor, though the billionaire real estate mogul says that he, too, plans to make public additional information in the coming days. She said she felt dizzy and overheated and lost her balance, but she never lost consciousness. “I hope she gets well soon”. After roughly 90 minutes of silence from her campaign, aides said Clinton left because she was overheated.

Clinton scrambles to head off fallout from brutal weekend