
Bill Clinton in Vegas: Hillary’s email server ‘a mistake’

‘First of all, the Federal Bureau of Investigation director said, when he testified before Congress, he had to amend his previous day’s statement that she had never received any emails marked classified, ‘ Clinton told the crowd.


Donald Trump’s running mate Mike Pence said on Fox News Sunday that an investigation should be started to look into the overlap between the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Douglas Band, a longtime aide to Bill Clinton after he left the White House, had a “Very imp” message for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff: The State Department needed to reach out to a billionaire businessman – who also was a major donor to the Clinton Foundation. “They are communications between her aides and the president’s personal aide, and indeed the recommendation was for one of the secretary’s former staffers who was not employed by the foundation”.

Sen. John Cornyn formally asked the Justice Department to explain why it did not accept the recommendation of the FBI to investigate the Clinton Foundation. It was just another scandal to add to her long list of controversies and we may not have heard of it were it not for the legal group Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

Yesterday, Judicial Watch released written testimony from Mills, in which she provides further detail on how Clinton’s private email server was set up to address potentially security concerns.

Chagoury, according to Corallo, said that his contributions to the Clinton Foundation were based on the “good philanthropic work around the world – especially in Africa”.

Hillary Clinton has always vehemently denied any conflict of interest and there is no evidence that a donor to the foundation has influenced policy at the State Department. MURDER HER! – the kind of media that politics nerds follow were quietly pointing out that during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation had an uncomfortably close relationship with the State Department.

Is the FBI Investigating Inappropriate Links Between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation?

According to previously undisclosed data provided by the Clinton Foundation, presidential trips accounted for 13 percent of the 2010 travel budget and 10 percent of the 2011 travel budget.

“It’s important to take care of [redacted]”, Band wrote to Abedin and Cheryl Mills, another top Clinton aide. If it’s true, it’s illegal.

Band describes Chagoury as a “key guy there [in Lebanon] and to us”. “Gilbert Chagoury never contacted me”, he said in response to a question Wednesday from The Washington Post.

Bill Clinton continued to argue that there is no way Hillary Clinton ever put national security at risk during her time as secretary of state.


The emails show that the Clintons blurred the line between their family charity – through which they have made numerous financial and political connections – and the State Department.

Hillary Clinton has been taking heat for using a private server for her emails since it was revealed last year but an FBI investigation deemed she would not face charges despite calling her behavior'careless