
Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Hillary At The Democratic Convention

“This is really your victory”. On the same day, The New York Times spoke with Clinton-world insiders who revealed that some in their orbit are anxious about what the nation’s first First Gentleman will do while his wife is commander-in-chief.


Bill Clinton is praising his late mother-in-law and Hillary Clinton’s youth minister as essential influences on his wife’s life and values.

The goal was to make Clinton, perhaps the most famous female politician in the world, yet a public figure her aides claim remains unknown, relatable to voters.

“This woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything. She always wants to move the ball forward, that is just who she”, Clinton explained, adding that his wife was “born with an extra responsibility gene”. “She is still the best darn change maker I have ever known”.

He also spoke in deeply personal terms of the early days of their relationship.

RACHEL MADDOW: I think the beginning of the speech was a controversial way to start, honestly, talking “the girl”, “a girl”, leading with this long story about him being attracted to an unnamed girl and thinking about whether he was starting something he couldn’t finish, building her whole political story for the whole first half of the speech around her marriage to him. “She never made fun of people with disabilities”, Clinton said, in a subtle reference to Trump’s mockery of a disabled New York Times reporter.

Because Hillary, he said, “has been around a long time making people’s lives better”.

If Hillary Clinton lands the top job, putting Bill Clinton in an undefined advisory role, Democrats gathered for the convention did not seem anxious about potential turf battles.

Bill Clinton, president from 1993-2001, draws the admiration of many in the party, but carries some liabilities.

But Clinton’s securing of a major-party nomination on Tuesday night was unprecedented.

“It’s beyond thrilling. It’s very exciting and to see at the end she’s the nominee”. “By these measures, any objective observer will conclude that – based on her ideas and her leadership – Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States”, he said.

Sarah Silverman, who voted for Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, called on Sanders supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton in the fall.

Politics aside, Hillary Clinton made history last night, and she deserves to be honored for that.

Elsewhere in the hall, a Sanders delegate from Nevada was escorted out of the hall, yelling “Nevada was rigged”. Mr Trump, who campaigned on Tuesday in North Carolina, mocked Bill Clinton’s speech in advance, calling him “over-rated”.

Biden, meanwhile, could be a potent weapon for the Clinton campaign as it seeks to win over the white working class workers who have gravitated to Trump, particularly in Midwestern battleground states. Hillary Clinton briefly thanked delegates by satellite from NY.

Clinton has one big advantage over Trump heading into November: hindsight.

Story after story piled up, most told often before, yet no less effective for it. Clinton’s delivery seemed more extemporaneous than rehearsed, even as he served up well-worn passages from his memoir.

Speaking to The Economic Club of Chicago in 2014, Hillary herself waffled on her allegiance to the hometown teams.

She came under relentless attack at the Republican convention in Cleveland, as speakers assailed her over the email controversy and her record as secretary of state and painted her as out of touch with ordinary Americans.

New Hampshire state Sen.

In nominating Clinton, delegate after delegate made the point that the selection of a woman was a milestone in America’s 240-year-old history.

He’s brought together the country’s left, right and center in the past to form winning coalitions – something Hillary Clinton needs to replicate in 2016 to defeat Republican nominee Donald Trump. WATCH: HB2 ON THE MINDS OF MANY AT THE DNCMartha McKenna, a Clinton delegate from Maryland, said the night felt like a celebration for Sanders’ campaign as well as Clinton’s.

“She was easy to underestimate with her soft manner”, he said, noting that meeting her mother Dorothy and “knowing her was one of he greatest gifts to me”. “It’s a generational thing for me”. Track Laura Anthony on Facebook here and follow her Twitter here.

Women face more difficulties in being elected in presidential systems.

It was an emotional night all around.

Among those pledging support for the Democratic nominee were the “mothers of the movement” – several black women whose children were victims of gun violence.

While it was a moment of triumph for Clinton, it was also a time for pride in defeat for Sanders.


Choking back tears, Larry said, “It is with enormous pride, I cast my vote for Bernie Sanders”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton addresses the Democratic National Convention via a live video feed from New York during the second night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia