
Bill Clinton on Hillary Clinton at DNC 2016: Top 10 quotes

“I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the Democratic nominee for president”, said Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s archrival in the primaries.


In declaring her the nominee, Mr Sanders echoed Mrs Clinton in a role she played eight years ago after a hard-fought primary.

Bill Clinton has the spotlight Tuesday night.

Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, later took to the convention stage in Philadelphia and described his wife as an impassioned “change-maker”. USA women got the right to vote in 1920 after ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Her supporters noted that Clinton’s achievement came almost a century after women gained the right to vote in 1920. “The real one had done more positive change making before she was 30 than many public officials do in a lifetime”. From the first time her “confidence and self-assurance” caught him by surprise, to the day she was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate, Bill said he was just stunned by the woman he married. Even though they succeeded in pushing Clinton to the left and even though they won incredible policy victories in the Democratic platform, some wore tape over their mouths or carried signs that altered Hillary Clinton’s “I’m with her” mantra to “Silenced by her”.

Much of the convention’s second night was being devoted to introducing voters to Mrs Clinton anew, including three hours of speakers highlighting issues she has championed for years, including health care and advocacy for children and families.

Sanders – the first Jewish candidate to win a USA primary contest, much less 22 states – was joined by comedienne Sarah Silverman, who told the raucous crowd to settle down and focus on the general election.

Hoopla and celebration gave way to sombre moments as the convention showcased “mothers of the movement” – women whose children died in gun violence. She added that Clinton’s campaign misconstrued “my raw emotions as support for her when it is truly the emotions of a years worth of hard work and dedication to the revolution, and realizing that though the campaign is over, the revolution has just begun”. Mr Trump, who campaigned on Tuesday in North Carolina, mocked Bill Clinton’s speech in advance, calling him “over-rated”.

A few hundred of his backers gathered around noon at City Hall with plans to join up in the afternoon with groups decrying police brutality and economic injustice.

“I want to bring before this convention the names of our parents, Eli Sanders and Dorothy Glassberg Sanders”, he said during the roll call.

How does this square with the things that you heard at the Republican Convention? The “Fights Of Her Life” segments focusing on Clinton’s accomplishments were interspersed with videos featuring Trump’s comments opposing abortion and bemoaning that women’s pregnancies hurt businesses. Tim Kaine as her running mate.

Bill Clinton had the spotlight Tuesday night.


“Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone, the first time in our nation’s history that a woman will be a major party’s nominee”, she told her supporters at a rally that night in Brooklyn. He’s had flashes of frustration this year, particularly when his own record on trade and law enforcement has been challenged by the party he once led, but has largely stuck to the campaign’s messages.

Sanders supporters: Unmoved by plea to support Clinton