
Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech: A Love Story And A Resume Reading

Trump, speaking Friday at a rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado, said that Sanders “folded” when he abandoned his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination.


Former President Bill Clinton seemed smitten all over again when he told the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night how he ended up marrying his best friend.

– Four-day conventions: It’s one day too long. I thought she’d seek privacy, a place to nurse her wounds.

It would have been easier for them to go another route.

On the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton has tried to distance herself from her husband, repeating regularly that she is running on her own record, not “running for her husband’s third term” – as she likes to say at campaign events.

I have informed my husband that during my administration, he will take no money from anyone with any interest in influencing the policies of the United States government.

Admirers of the former president cut him some slack, arguing that it can be harder to defend a loved one than oneself. On the same day, The New York Times spoke with Clinton-world insiders who revealed that some in their orbit are anxious about what the nation’s first First Gentleman will do while his wife is commander-in-chief.

The first female presidential nominee heads off on a bus tour through two Rust Belt battlegrounds, OH and Pennsylvania.

Richardson said she felt that for most of the American public that is a story that they don’t know. So Hillary Clinton and Democrats in the House and Senate are sworn to free our democracy by overturning Citizens United. “That’s just who she is”, he said.

The Trump and Clinton campaigns are about to become neighbors in Washington.

The stakes in this year’s election could not be higher. The effort is funded by taxpayers as part of $13 million Congress appropriated for pre-election planning.

A former president talks to his convention, and the country, about sending his wife back to the Oval Office as the boss.

This is what happens when the media isn’t exclusively focused on Donald Trump – he lashes out. The convention featured impressive keynotes from the regal Representative Barbara Jordan, a then liberal Democratic governor from Georgia named Zell Miller and a basketball star turned Senator, Bill Bradley.

As the scandal broke and Republicans pushed to impeach Clinton, the vast majority of Democrats stood behind him.

The Republican presidential nominee referred to former NY mayor Michael Bloomberg, also a billionaire, as “Little Michael Bloomberg”, who “never had the guts to run for president” and whose final term as mayor was “a disaster”.

Against this background, the Clinton creed – which, like scores of Broadway shows, had its debut in New Haven, in this case in the whispery study carrels of Yale Law, where the couple met – is being polished for a revival. Hillary Clinton regards a crowded auditorium as hostile territory; Bill Clinton regards it as his sweet Arkansas home. There, I said it. Women have much to fight for still, and Donald Trump may win in November, but now our daughters can say they want to grow up to be president, and it’s no joke. It was a good strategic move by Bill, who understands that Trump will be making their marriage a key issue in the general election.

Trump tweeted a link to the statement.

– Chelsea Clinton: She wasn’t the most dynamic speaker.

On Tuesday night, he delved deeply into her biography to cast her as change agent – hinting that while she might not be as natural a politician, she has spent her life fighting to improve people’s lives, particularly the lives of children and the disabled.

Hillary always points out how she is a target for attack, but the two controversies that have dogged her over the previous year were entirely of her own doing. Hillary Clinton has a vision rooted in deeply held values.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee told CNN’s “New Day” Friday that any such suggestion should be “temperamentally, a disqualification for the office” of president. And Cleaver briefly left the lectern, only to return for a final “You better listen to me-I said she won’t stay throwed”.

To that, Kaine said Friday: “That’s not being sarcastic, that’s ignorant”.


“However, interestingly enough in informal [settings] they could use the designation”.

At the Democratic convention, women seize their moment — and momentum