
Bill Clinton’s role: ‘Whatever I’m asked to do’

Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin reports that “CBS Evening News” edited out the portion of this interview with Bill Clinton where the former president mistakenly said that Hillary has “frequent” fainting attacks when she gets dehydrated when it was played Monday night.


He told Mr Rose: “Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors, because frequently – well not frequently, rarely – but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing happened to her when she got severely dehydrated”.

The Clinton campaign released a statement arguing he meant to say pneumonia.

Then again, this being the Clintons, maybe “the flu” was the story the campaign was planning to tell before the publication of that video of Hillary collapsing.

The first change the group will make is dropping “Clinton” from its name.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has said that she was recently diagnosed with pneumonia, a disclosure they made after she was seen struggling to walk as she left a memorial service marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

“I think really only twice that I can recall”, Clinton said.

When Mrs. Clinton announced her candidacy, the foundation said it would stop taking contributions from foreign governments, except for contributions from Australia, Canada and a handful of European nations.

Hillary Clinton’s aides have spent the general election warily waiting to see if Republican Donald Trump makes good on his promises to turn the former president’s martial affairs into a campaign issue.

The former president said he understands the anger of Americans who haven’t had a pay raise since the recession, and he said those frustrations are making people more resistant to immigration reform.

“So would they have endorsed her, no?” he said answering his own question.

Clinton also reported that his wife, who was diagnosed Friday with pneumonia, is on the mend, only he referred to her as having the flu.

“That is, if Hillary wins I’d be both a former president and a spouse”.

“The Clinton Foundation and its affiliates should not only cease accepting these donations immediately, they should return every penny they have received from other countries”, said the campaign’s senior communications adviser, Jason Miller.


I suspect that Bill had a few too many spicy meatballs.

All the things Bill Clinton can do if Hillary is elected president