
Bill Clinton still a star to Democrats

On the second day of the Democratic National Convention, President Bill Clinton made a powerful case for electing his wife. Two sentences later, Clinton said that, “If you’re a young African American disillusioned and afraid … help us build a future where no one’s afraid to walk outside, including the people that wear blue to protect our future”.


But then Hillary Clinton made an unexpected visit via satellite. “Which she is. Aside from that, why would he ever put at risk such a attractive, wonderful, unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of a relationship like that?” “She always wants to move the ball forward, that is just who she is”.

Hillary Clinton is the first woman to ever secure the presidential nomination of a major political party. Amazingly, she echoed Clinton’s own concession speech to her husband, which Clinton delivered to bitter, grieving supporters eight years ago, praising her as someone “who has the guts and the grace to keep coming back and putting those cracks in that highest and hardest glass ceiling”. Asked what she would say to Ivanka Trump, Chelsea Clinton said: “How would your father do that?”

CNN presenter Jake Tapper, whose early career included a stint at the Washington City Paper where he wrote about a date he went on with Ms Lewinsky, also did not mention the affair during his commentary on Tuesday night.

And all the while as she did much of this work she was also juggling motherhood and marriage. But Hillary was showing she was politically-minded years before meeting Bill at Yale in 1971 – even if she was originally on the other side of the fence.

Hillary Clinton may not be the first woman to run for president.

She is a key asset to her mother’s campaign, with a unique ability to make a personal pitch, softening and humanizing Hillary Clinton’s image to that of a mother and grandmother. Barely anyone has defended Barack Obama’s proposal to admit more Syrian refugees.

‘I have lived a long, full, blessed life.

Clinton delegate Mary Ginnebaugh of Green Bay said Clinton’s reputation among Democrats was influenced by decades of relentless attacks by Republicans.

“I was here when Hillary really picked up the newspaper in Florida and saw an article about Hippy”, said Gordon. I’m just picturing him hanging out in the Oval Office while Hillary is in some important meeting with her advisers and he’s just in the corner drinking wine and throwing down sick solos on his saxophone. “It’s something I would consider”, she said. Only the pollsters can tell us for sure, but I’d be very surprised if Bill Clinton’s efforts failed to get them at least to give his wife another look, to be interested in going beyond what they think they know about her, and to consider the testimony of those who know her best.


But no one doubts that Bill Clinton still wants to be at the center of the action. If they commit crimes, then they should be prosecuted, just like other Americans.

This time, an adoring He looks on as She accepts nomination