
Bill Clinton Talks About Meeting Hillary in DNC Speech

Clinton put forth an alternative narrative to the Republican portrayal of his wife as a power-hungry politician who bends the rules and lacks transparency in her political dealings.


“We knew this was going to happen because obviously we knew she was the presumptive nominee and that she had all the votes that she needed from the primaries”. But what happened here was a roll call, state by state announcing their votes.

Clinton will get a shot of independent credibility from former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who will denounce Trump and make his case for Clinton. Hillary Clinton has my support. “And a great deal of drama in the room”, Bays said.

Clinton is expected to address the convention finale in person tomorrow to formally accept the nomination. A 102-year-old woman, born before women had the right to vote, cast the ballots for Arizona.

After a tough battle with US Senator Bernie Sanders during the state-by-state nominating contests, Clinton is now the party’s standard-bearer against Republican nominee Donald Trump.

The delegates made history early, nominating Clinton to be their candidate for the presidency – making her the first woman to top a major-party ticket in the United States.

In his closing comments, Clinton added: “Hillary will make us stronger together”.

Martha McKenna, a Clinton delegate from Maryland, said the night felt like a celebration for Sanders’ campaign as well as Mrs Clinton’s.

He described her as “totally progressive” on the vital issues of the day, but his core argument was more about Hillary’s core: the diligence, resilience and stamina that has taken her to this moment.

But despite Mr Sanders calling on his flock to get behind Hillary, his self-styled “political revolution” appears to have transformed into a revolt. They argue he’s one of the most popular former presidents, is among the party’s best fundraisers and is most effective messengers on her behalf.

Holding a sit-in inside the media tent, several of the Sanders supporters had their mouths taped shut to symbolise their lack of voice at the convention.

Mary Landrieu. “This is good, I’m not kidding”. Our healthcare is suffering and our education is suffering. This is really your night.

“It started very, very divided”.

“A spouse is just exceptionally credible and effective as a surrogate and can talk about the candidate in a way few can”, asked Chris Lehane, a Democratic strategist who worked in the Clinton White House.

Democratic Rep. Brenda Gilmore, also of Nashville, said each of the speeches so far in the DNC has taken viewers to “a different level”.

Hillary Clinton’s political ambitions were kept on ice until the end of Bill Clinton’s second term, when she announced she would run for an open Senate seat in NY.

The 45-minute speech was as much Bill Clinton playing “First Gentleman” – reprising the role of character witness played by so many aspiring first ladies at conventions past – as Bill Clinton the political “big dog”.

“We’ve built up a lifetime of memories”, he said.

In the four years since the party’s last national convention, the center of gravity in Democratic politics has shifted decidedly to the left.

“In the spring of 1971, I met a girl”, Clinton said, explaining how he first saw then-Hillary Rodham while they were classmates.

“The real one has friends who fight for her”.

In his subsequent 1992 and 1996 presidential nomination acceptance speeches, Clinton drew in a nationwide audience with a simple, hopeful message and shorter delivery.


And it was clear who he thought should lead it there.

Former President Bill Clinton speaks on stage during the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia