
Bill Clinton to join organized labor for parade in Detroit

While Bill will be here in Detroit, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton will be in Cleveland with her running mate Tim Kaine participating in Labor Day festivities there, campaigning and trying to secure the votes of union workers.


Clinton will appear in Cincinnati after his visit in Detroit.

He is not scheduled to speak at the end of the parade.

Both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have marched in the parade in the past.

The day is dedicated to honoring working men and women and the strides they’ve made with the help of unions. He also said people should judge his economic policies and what Hillary Clinton might do as president on the job-creating spree that occurred during his administration.

Clinton was asked if he was concerned about Trump’s efforts to reach out to African-American and blue-collar voters. It was his third visit to MI since the Republican National Convention.

Contact Kathleen Gray: [email protected].

The annual Labor Day parade begins at 9 MI and Trumbull in Corktown and proceeds to Cobo Center.


Former President Bill Clinton will march in the parade with members of organized labor.

Former President Bill Clinton marches in Detroit's Labor Day parade