
Bill Clinton will defend Clinton Foundation in Clinton Global Initiative speech

“We informed CGI staff of this transition more than four months before the end of the year, and have provided information about CGI-related roles that will continue”, a spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation told Politico. Journalists have scoured newly released email records from Hillary Clinton’s tenure running the US State Department from 2009 to 2013, which show foundation officials seeking meetings with Clinton or other diplomats on behalf of donors.


Bill Clinton says that out of the hundreds of thousands of donors to the Clinton Foundation over the past 18 years, there must have been some people who gave to the foundation to gain influence with him and his wife.

Among those who think special favors were done are 33 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of independents.

“Maybe some of them gave money for that reason [to gain influence], but majority gave it because they liked what we were doing”, he said.

He noted that he’s worked for the foundation “longer than I’ve ever had any job – and I loved it”. In a third instance, he sought help from longtime Hillary Clinton confidante Huma Abedin to obtain a diplomatic passport.

‘Yeah, the stuff that they’ve said so far is just bull, ‘ Clinton said of Republican criticism when talking to CNBC’s Becky Quick yesterday. In recent months, critics of the foundation say there was not strong enough of a firewall between Clinton and the foundation while she was secretary of state.

Chelsea Clinton will be the only Clinton staying on.

Clinton is expected to defend the Foundation’s philanthropic work. The group boasts of 3,600 projects that have taken place in 180 countries and benefitted 435 million people since 2005.

But there are signs that won’t be so easy. The foundation will also stop accepting foreign donations. He plans to step down from its board of directors if Hillary Clinton wins in November. “Achieving true distance from the foundation is not only necessary to ensure its effectiveness, it is an ethical imperative for Mrs. Clinton”.


Speaking onstage in a New York City hotel ballroom for about an hour, he told supporters of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that it had brought about “a profound advance in the conduct and impact of modern philanthropy”.

Bill Clinton Says Some People Probably Gave to Foundation to Gain Influence