
Bill Cosby Wants His Money Back from Former Accuser

Cosby’s lawyers have attempted to get the civil suit dismissed but their appeal was denied once more at the California Supreme Court on Wednesday, and Huth’s attorney Gloria Allred expects Cosby to face a deposition hearing in the case within the next 30 days.


Bill Cosby lost his latest bid to block a lawsuit claiming that he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion in 1974 in Los Angeles.

He has always maintained his innocence and has never been criminally charged. They asked a judge to enforce undisclosed terms of the confidential agreement that settled the former Temple University employee’s sexual-assault lawsuit.

And this week, new Cosby lawyer Monique Pressley has given television and other news interview defending Cosby and discussing the deposition.

In the deposition, Cosby also admitted that he obtain prescriptions for quaaludes in the 1970s in order to give them to women he was pursuing for sex, even as he remained sober. They restrict the length of time in which legal actions can be taken after an alleged crime has been committed. No further action was taken.

The court filings accuse Constand of trying to “smear” Cosby.

Monique Pressley, one of the attorneys for Bill Cosby, was asked what she thought about the allegations dozens of women have made against her client. She said she hopes a new date will be set soon.

Huth said she and a 16-year-old friend met the comedian at a San Marino park in 1974.


May 2015: Mr Cosby speaks publicly about the allegations for the first time.

What Are Quaaludes? Inside the Popular 70s Drug Cosby Offered to Women