
Bill O’Reilly Tells Donald Trump

Donald Trump proclaimed himself to be the “least racist person on Earth” on Monday, a day after posting what critics said was the most racist tweet on the Internet.


“When you tweet out a thing, and this bothered me, I got to tell you.

You know that I look out for every honest politician, I don’t care what party they are in”, O’Reilly said.

“Hey Bill, am I going to check every statistic?”. Trump asked in response.

Trump made it clear he takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information he broadcasts to his 5 million followers.

OREILLY: You gotta, youre a presidential contender, you gotta check em.

The radio show Trump referenced, The Wayne Dupree Show, had nothing to do with the tweet. “It came out of a radio show and other places because you see all the names”.

The real estate mogul again reiterated that it was only a retweet, prompting a final lecture from O’Reilly. “You just handed them a platter”. They begin discussing the retweet at the 3:50 mark.

TRUMP: I have millions of people.

According to 2014 Federal Bureau of Investigation data, approximately 82 percent of white Americans were killed by other white Americans in murders where the race of both the victim and offender were known. Give it up for Lent.


Trump was apparently referring to Wayne Dupree, a conservative radio host tagged in the tweet. @SeanSean252 mentioned @WayneDupreeShow in the tweet, so Trump might have been confused, but for future reference, legitimate government organizations tend not to tweet out statistics illustrated with a stock image of a thug firing a pistol.

Donald Trump defends tweet with false crime stats, says he's the 'least racist