
Bill: Sure, Foundation donors expected favors from State Dept… Obviously

Halper and Schweizer were attacked y the left, by the media and by the Clinton campaign (am I being redundant) for daring to suggest that there was some level of quid pro quo expected by donors to the foundations under ill Clinton’s control.


Former President Bill Clinton sought to address concerns about his family’s namesake foundation in an interview Monday, admitting that while “it was natural” for donors to seek favors from the Clintons, he’d “trusted” that the State Department under Hillary Clinton would appropriately handle potential conflicts of interest.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton holds his hand to his chest to acknowledge applause as he makes departing remarks on the final day of the Clinton Global Initiative in NY.

At its height CGI employed about 200 full-time staff, but many have already jumped ship following uncertainty about the foundation’s future if Clinton is elected president.

Citing two former foundation staffers, Politico reported the staff that would be laid off were especially unhappy because they were being asked to stay until December, instead of making a “clean break”.

A follow-up Associated Press story found that over half of the people Mrs. Clinton met with while serving at the federal agency were Clinton Foundation donors.

“We all know people, but when they made that conduit argument, the State Department said that there was nothing to it”, Clinton said.

Last month, Bill Clinton announced that the foundation would make a number of changes if his wife defeats Republican nominee Donald Trump . 4, 2012 with the help of President Bill Clinton.

But in a Sunday interview with NPR, Clinton insisted that the donations never influenced policy.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will travel to NY in the coming days, and take part in a panel organized by the Clinton Foundation. “It was the most fun thing I’ve ever done”. It’s unclear how many people will be losing their jobs.


The foundation says it works to “build partnerships between businesses, NGOs, governments, and individuals everywhere to work faster, leaner, and better; to find solutions that last; and to transform lives and communities from what they are today to what they can be, tomorrow”.

Clinton Foundation to Lay Off Dozens of Staffers in Preparation for Hillary Clinton White House Report