
Bill would make men confirm marriage for ED medication

A new bill filed in the Kentucky House would limit and put new restrictions on the distribution of erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra.


A state lawmaker in Kentucky has proposed a law that would require men to obtain permission from their wives and visit a doctor or healthcare practitioner twice, on separate days, before obtaining Viagra or any other erectile dysfunction drug.

It would also require a married man to get written consent from his current spouse, and swear on the Bible he will only use the prescription with his spouse. She told the Courier-Journal newspaper that the legislation is aimed at protecting the health of Kentucky’s men.

State Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, a Louisville Democrat, said the bill seeks to balance the recent legislative scrutiny of women’s reproductive health with a dose of attention to men. She told WDRB that her proposal was also inspired by her fellow lawmakers’ values.

Gov. Matt Bevin, who wants to dismantle the state’s health insurance exchange, recently signed a law that requires a woman seeking an abortion to get counseling 24 hours in advance of the procedure from a health professional.

In an interview on Friday, Marzian said the intent of the bill was to ” have government insert itself into the personal, private decisions of men, since we have already inserted it into the personal private decisions of women”.

Marzian said she also plans to file a bill requiring potential gun buyers to obtain counseling 24 hours in advance from victims of gun violence before the purchase.

Burch said he’ll hear Marzian’s bill if it’s assigned to the Health and Welfare Committee, which he chairs, and if she asks. The “informed consent” bill, as it was labeled, passed with 92 “yes” votes on January 28, according to WDRB.

Marzian admitted to the station that her bill is more symbolic than serious and she doesn’t expect it to receive much support.


“I’m just making sure the government is taking care of your safety”.

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