
Bishop Kettler, Delegation Going to see Pope Francis — News @ Noon

Bishop Christopher Coyne of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, Vermont, has a busy week ahead of him as a media liaison to reporters from around the world who are covering the visit of Pope Francis to the United States.


Brother Nicholas Romeo says he expects a chance to see the Pope will be “A really awesome moment…in the deepest meaning of that word”. Pope Francis is no doubt leaving his mark on the world and making a difference.

In the two and a half years since his Papacy began the Pope has gained many fans both inside the religion and out.

“He is our father, our spiritual father”.

Bishop Richard Malone agrees and said Pope Francis’ visit is creating a new energy around the religion.

WICHITA, Kansas- More than one million people are expected to turn out to see Pope Francis in Philadelphia and in the crowd will be some very excited Kansans.

“This was something that I knew as I was going through the interview process that this was going to be something that was part of the duties of job and obviously that was a great delight”.

Hundreds of thousands have turned out in Cuba to greet Pope Francis.

According to Rasmussen, women view Pope Francis more favorably than men. The news comes just one day before his scheduled arrival in Washington, D.C.

“To accompany a congressman to Washington, D.C. To hear the pope address Congress is an incredible opportunity”.


“That’s the real transformative thing this Pope can do”, Jenkins said. Our campus community will be watching and listening, as some of our students and other members will participate in his visit. “I think he is probably, you know, a good representative of Jesus Christ himself, as far as just being peaceful, open-minded, loving everyone”. Rep. Mark Sanford’s office says it has acquired a limited number of tickets for constituents to possibly catch a glimpse of the Pope. As I look forward to attending this gathering, my prayer is that it helps strengthen and value all our families, as diverse as we may be.

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