
Bison gores woman attempting selfie photo at Yellowstone park

She is the fifth person to be injured in an encounter with one of the park’s bison this summer. The household drove to the Old Faithful Clinic, the place the lady was handled and launched with minor accidents.


The woman, who also had her daughter posing next to her, heard the colossal animal charging at them, causing her and her daughter to start running for their lives. While her daughter was able to run away in time, the Mississippi native was snagged by the bison’s horns and tossed upward into the air.

Colleen Rawlings, Old Faithful District Ranger, shared, “The family said they read the warnings in both the park literature and the signage, but saw other people close to the bison, so they thought it would be OK”.

She was the fifth Yellowstone visitor since May to be gored by a bison, which can weigh upto a tonne, and the third tourist seeking to take a picture of a buffalo while crowding too close. People need to recognize that Yellowstone wildlife is wild, even though they seem docile.

This particular selfie fan was still lucky her injuries weren’t severe.

On 15 May, a Taiwanese exchange student turned her back on a bison to pose for a group photo and was gored in the buttocks. The teen was airlifted with serious but not life threatening injuries.


On 23 June, a teenage park concession stand worker was thrown into the air by a bison after enjoying a late night swim. Two of the opposite individuals attacked-a 62-year-old Australian customer and a 16-year-old woman from Taiwan-were additionally making an attempt to take bison pictures. Please refrain from snapping a photo next to a beast that could easily disembowel you, or worse, trying to jump on a wild animal’s back while your friends capture the moment on Vine. Just last month, a 19-year-old Georgia woman was tossed into the air by a bison when she was hiking off trail in the national park.

No humans were harmed in the taking of this selfie. — Reuters pic