
Black Lives Matter chapter starting up in Savannah

Rapper Chuck D slammed Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, in an interview with CNN’s Carol Costello Tuesday, calling the presumptive Republican nominee “stupid” for saying that the “Black Lives Matter” movement has in some cases instigated police shootings.


They say black lives matter, but they also insisted that all lives matter and what happened to the police officers shot and killed in Baton Rouge on Sunday, they say, was unthinkable.

Those chants came during a protest organized by Millions March NYC demonstrating against police brutality and the group formally disavowed them. He said he’s proud of the job the police department did working with the protesters to keep things relatively peaceful. “His wife just bit Michelle – the first lady’s speech and I think they planned it”, he said.

Before the protest, rumors on the Internet claimed Black Lives Matter protests across the country would turn violent.

On Friday night, hundreds of people of all races and ages gathered at the Capitol for a Black Lives Matter protest.

More than 8000 have expressed interest on the Facebook page for the rally, organised after a spate of police shootings of African Americans.

He says he hopes to work together with those groups.

Black Lives Matter in Cuyahoga County plans to participate in demonstrations Wednesday and Thursday outside the convention to draw attention to injustice in black communities, he said. And I would never go to a breast cancer rally and yell out “colon cancer matters.’ We know the way Blackness functions in this country is unique and we have to deal with that trauma in a different way”. We want peace. We want everybody to come together.


“It’s hard because what we’ve seen over the last 24 is people condemn the movement without knowing any facts”, Mckesson continued.

Plague on both your houses Nick Cannon said he was offering a bipartisan message that both parties had taken black votes for granted