
Black Lives Matter demonstration to take place today

“Fortunately we didn’t need them”, he said. The study of 19,000 incidents between 2010 and 2015 found police pointed a weapon at African-Americans 305 percent more often than they did at whites.


And I would offer qualified agreement with the statement, too.

One of those topics is the issue of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. Just because I have tattoos and dread locks, and I’m a young black man, that doesn’t mean that I’m a criminal.

Black lives matter. Those three words have simultaneously become a battleground over racism in the United States and an attempt to draw attention to a disturbing trend. Giuliani has repeatedly called the activist group “inherently racist” because it “divides us”. Instead, we need to combat hate with love and do our best to be the very best we can be for ourselves and for our neighbors.

That petition, which garnered about 1,200 signatures by Tuesday, states, “A petition to recognize the black lives matter movement was started and that’s not what the movement is about. That’s anti-American and it’s racist”.

“A lot of people agree with that”. “Every member of this body wants a world in which people feel safe, regardless of the color of their skin”.

What does Black Lives Matter stand for? “It’s a very, very divisive term”.

“They are on the same team”, said Phillip Goff, director of the Center for Policing Equity. I’d also say, ‘Be very careful of those kids in the neighborhood and don’t get involved with them, because son, there’s a 99% chance they’re going to kill you, not the police’. “We are in a divided nation”.

Bratton said dialogue is the only way forward, and the mayor agreed – even if it takes more protests to get there. And the press actually plays it down.

In reference to South American drug dealers he went after in the 1980s, Giuliani explained, “When I was searching for Colombian drug dealers, I wasn’t looking for black guys”. Get off that protest line and put an application in.

What do you think about this most sensitive time in our history. “He’s the great divider and I’ve said it for a long time”.

When Eric Garner and Michael Brown were killed by police, the killings of two officers in NY immediately followed. But it needs to be said. People are encouraging the anger that leads to them, and they’re doing so because they have their own agenda that the violence helps to advance.

To them, “All lives matter” isn’t a slogan or a movement. “We just hear voices that are not necessarily the voices of the majority of the people”.


“The explanation given was that [the Republicans] are holding their convention at the same time”, NAACP’s Cornell William Brooks tells CNN.

Black Lives Matter