
Black Lives Matter Protester Arrested in the Middle of an Interview

In the days after the police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota – and deadly sniper fire in Texas, where five officers were killed and others were wounded – hundreds have protested in solidarity.


Relations between black people and the police have become so frail that more than half of African Americans say they were not surprised by the Dallas attack. He added, “We wonder, do black lives matter, or only the very few black lives that are killed by white policemen?”

Another organizer told the crowd “as you know the climate that’s going on in America right now, we’re at war with each other”.

When progressives use the word “conversation” lately, it just means STFU. As long as you appear threatening, as a black male, your life is at risk.

“The values that brought those protesters to the streets in Dallas, the values that brought those protesters to the streets in Washington last night – respect, decency, compassion, humanity – if we lose these fundamental things, what’s left?” President, I think that a complaint many cops have is that you, the Department of Justice, and I’m talking about the former Attorney General, have rushed to judgment on certain of these cases.

Indeed, President Obama could have mentioned a recent case that most major media overlooked.

President Obama Defends Black Lives Matter Protests At Police Memorial, doing so at a memorial for the five slain Dallas police officers. Bohannon says Police Chief Gordon Ramsay initiated the cookout after listening to concerns. It’s a movement by which Black Americans must remind this world that we, our lives, our families, and our future matter.

“The main the thing I want to put out there to Reno is that we do have a problem”, she says.

Police said Mr Mckesson “intentionally” placed himself in the road after protesters were repeatedly warned to remain on private property or the kerb. As Dr. King said often, “The time is always right to do what’s right”.

Judy Williams can talk about the number of lives lost in Charlotte, which is why she’s taking issue with Black Lives Matter.

“Our objective, my opinion, is we want to bring the injustice up”.

To them, “All lives matter” isn’t a slogan or a movement. They chanted, “I believe that we will win”, and were similarly arrested.

“We as a city, we as a country must come together, lock arms and heal the wounds that we all feel from time to time”, Rawlings said. Both groups, and all of us, need to have honest dialogue and try to understand our mutual goals, and our differences.


While the lives of law officials do matter, it seems we are missing the point.

Divide between Black, Blue movements widens after shootings