
Black Lives Matter protesters block ME road

Black Lives Matter has recently made headlines in Canada thanks largely to the group’s Toronto branch, which held up the Toronto Pride parade earlier this month to protest the lack of diversity in the Pride organization.


In Minnesota, Philando Castile, 32, was shot and killed by an officer during a traffic stop on July 6.

“We don’t have police brutality in Portland, and that’s a good thing, and we want to make sure that continues and that dialogue is important”, Strimling said.

“The co-option of the event by adults, police, and others in seats of power is very clear”. In as much as Blacks are 2.5 times more likely to fall victim to police violence, the lives of White victims also do matter to Black people.

Firstly, Many White folks say that Black people don’t care about Black-on-Black crimes. Ramsey explains that BLM doesn’t mean other lives don’t matter, it’s that Black lives should matter the way other lives do.

“To say there has not been an incident of excessive force, racial profiling, discrimination, targeted racial and sexual harassment and intimidation by the hands of the police in Grand Rapids is a unsafe erasure of the truth”, according to the post.

A similar gathering Wednesday evening at Nelson Mandela Park attracted a crowd of some 300 protesters.

Hundreds of people are expected to take part in a Black Lives Matter peace march through Sheffield next week.

Activists say they want to see justice reform in America. Focus on life, love and change.


President Obama addressed the growing tensions between Black communities and law enforcement officials head-on during last night’s frank and honest town hall meeting.

Youth activists led a Black Lives Matter protest around downtown Chicago with over 1,000 participants in Chicago