
Black Lives Matter protesters call for change in Tampa demonstration

It can be unsafe for black men and women to own guns in this policing environment, and it shouldn’t be, considering that gun ownership is a constitutional right, said Philip Smith, president and founder of National African American Gun Association. Given the severity of these cases, the USA’s vastly unregulated gun laws, lack of mental healthcare for war veterans and rampant discrimination of historically oppressed demographics: it seems an inevitability that an incident such as the Dallas shooting would occur. He says protesters were peaceful and the shootings “terrorized them too”.


The mayor has since been careful to praise efforts of NYPD officers while still acknowledging longstanding concerns about certain police tactics within the minority communities that make up his political base.

“Whatever you feel politically, recognize that our police officers are hurting today”, de Blasio said. Castile’s finance and 4-year-old daughter were in the vehicle the whole time- the fiancé’s account of events tells the story of the unwarranted killing of a peaceful man. The fund has already raised more than $650,000. It began to grow again in interest this past Friday as discussions surrounding the unfortunate police-involved shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile started taking hold.

City cops were ordered to patrol in pairs on Friday after five police officers were killed during an ambush in Dallas.

“We’re going to be very vigilant”, de Blasio said.

Castile’s sister, Allysza Castile, also set up a fund for the family. “We need strong racial profiling laws at the state and municipal levels and passage of the End Racial Profiling Act and the Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity Act”, Coombs said, citing two federal bills awaiting votes in Congress. The majority of blacks are not armed and the majority of killers of police officers are white. has also amalgamated 17 petitions on the subject of police accountability.

Officers with the Carbondale Police Department responded to break up the crowds.

There was a political motivation to Thursday night’s carnage, but the suspect did not link himself to any particular group.

“It is unfortunate what happened to those police officers in Dallas”, Muhammad said.

Pundits on the Right have twisted the image of the BLM movement into a collective of enraged Black youth calling for the murder of police.

The day before the shooting took place in Dallas, the American Red Cross Southwest Region issued “an emergency call for blood and platelet donations to address significant shortage”.

Traffic came to a standstill as police escorted demonstrators through the city.

Three additional suspects are in custody, although it is not known if there was more than one shooter.

That’s an important message, even though some haters among us have sought to suggest that debating improved police protocol and racial sensitivity is an attack on police.


“How long do they think that black people are going to sit back and watch this”, Quanell X said, citing cases from the past year such as the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Miss., and Eric Garner’s death in New York City.

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