
Black Pastors Endorse Donald Trump After All

Earlier in the day, Trump said he didn’t know how to answer the question of whether he believes Islam is an inherently violent or peaceful religion, instead suggesting there was “something going on”.


Trump predicted some of the 100 black evangelical leaders would endorse him after the meeting, nonetheless. After they objected, the Trump campaign chose to keep the meeting private and quietly canceled a press conference afterward meant to announce their support.

Trump’s meeting with the religious leaders marks the latest development in his continuing campaign.

Trump lambasted CNN’s coverage of his meeting with black pastors. Cain was the lone major black Republican candidate four years ago.

“How about I tell CNN, who doesn’t treat me properly I’m not gonna do the next debate, okay”, Trump asked the audience.

Trump, on the other hand, thinks pressure from #BlackLivesMatter activists is what messed everything up. Separately, more than 100 black religious leaders who were not invited published an open letter in Ebony magazine blasting Trump for his rhetoric and warning their fellow religious leaders that the meeting would give Trump the “appearance of legitimacy” among their followers. LeVell assured supporters that Trump was not a racist and that he cares about issues affecting African-Americans. “And we will be addressing them over the coming months”. “I’m smarter than they are”.

The Rev. Jamal H. Bryant, pastor of Northwest Baltimore’s Empowerment Temple church, turned down an invitation to meet with Trump and took to social media to speak out against the meeting. “They shifted it from a press conference to a meeting”.

The crowd seemed to love the idea, too, loudly cheering – although not almost as loud as they cheered when Trump said “dumbass politicians” only worry about being re-elected. “And let me tell you something about my definition of an outsider: If you are born in the United States of America you are an insider through and through”. “And we’re thrilled about the endorsement”.

“We made history today because we had meaningful dialogue with Donald Trump, and we voiced concerns that are sensitive to the African-American community”, he said, reported the Daily Caller.

Trump closed his rally repeating his campaign slogan.


“What it shows is that the work we’ve put in here in New Hampshire, the plans we’ve laid out – that people are taking them seriously and taking them to heart”, Christie said.

Donald Trump said if he were to demand the money from the network he would give it to programs that help veterans