
Blatter Thrown With Money By Prankster In Conference

And I am happy that today the executive committee, together with the confederations, they have said: ‘Yes, president we will help you.


But that was after a prankster breached security and showered the embattled soccer boss with fake dollar bills at a news conference.

Following the reports of his potential candidacy, Platini was the bookmakers favorite in Britain on Monday, quoted at odds of 5-4 by William Hill, ahead of Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein at 7-4 – who was Blatter’s challenger in June’s vote.

Former FIFA Vice President Chung Mong-joon on Tuesday expressed his intent to run for the world’s top football job.

Kofi Annan, the former United Nations secretary general from Ghana, has been mentioned for the role.

As Blatter took his seat, performer Simon Brodkin rose from a front-row seat to confront him.

A clearly upset Blatter got up from the stage and walked to another podium and said, “We need to clean here first…This is nothing to do with football”.

Nelson was wearing a North Korean star badge, and before hurling the paper bills at the 79-year-old, shouted “This is for North Korea 2026” – a reference to the year of the next available World Cup hosting opportunity.

“Despite Platini leading the pack, it is astonishing to note that incumbent president Sepp Blatter is still the third favourite to retain his position”, said a William Hill spokesman – before Blatter’s announcement.

For the record, it’s not lack of education: Brodkin, 38, was a medical doctor before he moved into comedy.

Brodkin, a self-described comedian, has become infamous for interrupting live events.

Nelson, who also interrupted Kanye West’s set at Glasonbury last month, so upset Blatter that the president stopped the conference before returning with an odd joke, as indicated by Sam Borden of The New York Times. After the incident, Brodkin took social media platform Twitter to post a photo of himself and a message about his successful stunt in FIFA’s headquarters.


Past year he invaded the stage during a Stereo Kicks’ X-Factor performance and tried to join the England players on their flight to the Federation Internationale de Football Association World Cup in Brazil.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter looks on with fake dollars note flying around him