
Blood donation centers fill in light of Orlando massacre

If you’re interested in donating blood in memory of the victims in the Orlando shooting you can go to one of Bonfils seven donor centers and mention group number 7300 or the Orlando Memorial Drive.


In the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando early Sunday morning, authorities have made an urgent plea for people to donate blood.

Many tell KAKE News that they feel all blood needs to be tested for quality and safety and if it passes then it does not matter where the blood came from.

NPR’s Hansi Lo Wang visited one of the city’s blood banks on Sunday afternoon and reported that the bank had been forced to turn people away for hours because of the enormous response.

A representative from the local UBS office said they have already sent donations.

“Even if the people in Orlando don’t need it now, they do really need to replenish their supply”, Gans said.

Thousands flocked to help, as lines outside of OneBlood donation centers were up to a mile long.

United Blood Services says it is still in the process of changing its computer system to address the change with the FDA regarding blood donation, and now must defer men who have had sex with men.

A gay man in a monogamous relationship is banned from giving blood but a str8 man who has unsafe sex with multiple partners can donate…

Some donors said they chose to give blood in order to support the LGBT community.


They’re asking to help replenish the supply.

Orlando mass shooting: How to help