
Blood donors needed to prevent shortage

He explained that the emphasis is on young donors who would willingly donate blood for people in need to save their lives. The demand for the most-needed types is beginning to outpace donations.


“A sufficient blood supply is a community-wide responsibility, and Sport Clips is proud to continue our partnership with the Red Cross to raise awareness of the need for blood and platelet donations”, Margaret Briscoe, corporate communications manager for Sport Clips said in a statement. “Many donors have already given this summer”.

As a result, one of the major activities of the Red Cross in Anambra is blood donors recruitment drive.

The Red Cross says blood is urgently needed and is encouraging everyone who is able to donate to do so.

The Red Cross is in need of all blood types, especially O negative, A negative and B negative.

Platelets – a key clotting component of blood often needed by cancer patients, surgical patients and bone marrow recipients – must be transfused within five days of donation, so donations are constantly needed.

Individuals who donated blood earlier this summer may be eligible to donate again and help patients like an expectant mother at a Red Cross-supported hospital who is now receiving almost 100 units of blood products a week until she delivers.

September 16: American Legion Hall, 575 N. Main Breese, 1 to 6 p.m.

Camarillo: 10 4:15 p.m., Wed. and Thurs., August 26 and 27 at Santa Cruz Village, 1 University Drive.


Walk-ins are welcomed, or appointments can be made online at, or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS.

World News
Red Cross issues urgent call for most needed blood types
By Mo Ahmad