
Bloomberg asks America to stay ‘sane’ and stop Trump

Bloomberg, who considered his own bid as an independent, ultimately said he would not run because he feared his third-party candidacy would indirectly help Trump.


“Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated, and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off”, Bloomberg said in his speech.

Donald Trump lashed out against former NY mayor Michael Bloomberg on Twitter, calling him “little” and terming his mayoral stint a “disaster”.

This is a change of tune for Trump, who in 2012 praised Bloomberg for doing a “great job” as mayor: “Mike Bloomberg is doing a great job as Mayor of New York City”, Trump tweeted April 16, 2012. “But let me tell you, whatever our disagreements may be, I have come here to say: We must put them aside for the good of our country, and we must unite around the candidate who can defeat a risky demagogue”.

“So I say to my fellow independents -your vote matters now”, the surprise guest of the evening said, reaching out to non-Democrats.

Former mayor Michael Bloomberg spared no words Wednesday when referring to Donald Trump as insane, reckless and even a con man. Nor did the GOP presidential candidate hold back Thursday when referring to Bloomberg as a “very little guy”. Because Michael Bloomberg has wanted to run for president for probably as long as you have known him and guess what?

“I understand the appeal of a businessman president”, Bloomberg said. In the case of the DNC in Philadelphia, well, the story being repeated every minute of every hour is, of course, the Democrats are really good, Hillary Clinton is awesome, and Donald Trump is really, really bad.

A Reuters review of Trump’s federal filings showed he had cash and other liquid investments worth between $60 million and $180 million in May, far short of the amount he would need to self-fund his campaign.

“I built a business and I didn’t start it with a $1 million check from my father, :” said Bloomberg, whose financial reporting empire made him a billionaire. “And I know Hillary Clinton can do that, because I saw it firsthand!” he said.

He kept undercutting Trump’s business record and skills. The former deputy commander of the wars in the Middle East had called Hillary Clinton the kind of “commander in chief America needs”.

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His speech tonight at the Democratic Convention addressed the more moderate part of the party and the old-school Republicans who are still reluctant to vote for Trump.

'I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see one: Mike Bloomberg goes to the DNC to knockout Trump