
Bloomberg considers entering USA presidential race

Mr Bloomberg, 73, the former NY mayor, indicated he was considering a late entrance to the race with friends saying he was prepared to spend $1 billion of his own money and would decide by early March.


Bloomberg won’t get into the race “unless it’s Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders”, Bush told ABC’s “This Week”.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary R. Clinton said she will save former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg the trouble of deciding whether to enter into the Y 2016 race by winning her party’s nomination.

“I’m going to do the best I can to make sure that I get the nomination and we’ll go from there”, she said on NBC’s “Meet the Press”. If Trump wins the Republican nomination and draws Bloomberg into the race, Sanders could get a boost from the so-called plebs and the proletariat displeased about two billionaire plutocrats in the fray.

He is not ruling out a bid if Clinton is ahead on the Democratic side, though people familiar with his plans believe it is not particularly likely Bloomberg would challenge Clinton in a general election.

“If Mayor Bloomberg were ever to get into the race, we all, and myself included, could then make an evaluation of him as a potential president”, Mr. Christie said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.

Still, it is terrible to contemplate this possibility: the Republicans nominate Trump, the Democrats pick Sanders, and Bloomberg jumps in as an independent.

At the same time, Bloomberg could also have sway with more moderate-minded Republicans who would be uncomfortable if Donald Trump or Sen.

Bloomberg has publicly speculated that he might launch a self-financed independent bid in some past presidential cycles, but has never done so.

He is remembered as a social liberal who campaigned for tighter gun laws, smoking bans in bars and restaurants, and for restoring business confidence after the terror attacks by al Qaeda hijackers in 2001.

“Michael has been a friend of mine over the years, I don’t know if we’re friends anymore, frankly”. “I think a different voice would be helpful”.

Michael R. Bloomberg at City Hall in NY in 2013 on the day before his last day as mayor.

A Bloomberg adviser revealed that the former mayor believes voters want “a non-ideological, bipartisan, results-oriented vision” that has not been offered in the 2016 election cycle by either political party.

In other words, if you are Michael Bloomberg: If the GOP and Democrats are fielding weak candidates, a third party run becomes viable.

Mr Trump, who has not yet done so, said he “absolutely” would and indicated he was “very proud” to pay a low level of tax.


“I said he’s not a candidate”.

Jeb Bush Michael Bloomberg A ‘Good Man’ And A ’Patriot’				
			by Charlie Spiering24 Jan 20160		24 Jan 2016		24 Jan 2016