
Bob Dole: Republicans should go for Trump, not Cruz

“Seven months ago, he said he was the establishment”, Cruz said, pointing to Trump’s donations to both Democrats, but also Republican establishment leaders like Mitch McConnell.


“Let me encourage other members of the establishment – keep supporting Donald Trump because every time you do, what it’s doing is you’re telling conservatives across the country where you stand and who stands with you”, Cruz said last night.

“Right now, the Washington establishment is abandoning Marco Rubio”.

“The idea is to use our votes to get Trump as low as possible in New Hampshire”, she said, adding that she’s “totally speechless that (Trump) is where he is”. Should Hillary Clinton take on Cruz in a general election, she’d win easily, he said.

According to the latest CNN/WMUR poll in New Hampshire, Trump, 69, has a popularity rating of 34 per cent as against 20 per cent of his nearest Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz, 45. Bob Dole, who told The New York Times that Republicans would suffer “cataclysmic” and “wholesale losses” if Cruz is the nominee, calling him an “extremist” and questioning his ability to work with Congress because “nobody likes him”.

“I question his allegiance to the party”, Mr. Dole said of Mr. Cruz.

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has continued to hold a comfortable lead over other GOP hopefuls for his party’s nomination. Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president seem to have some legs. Marco Rubio coming in at 11 percent, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at eight percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with five percent.

The poll was conducted from January 9-13 among 800 registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.46 percentage points.

Levin said he isn’t impressed at Trump’s constant claims he will be better at making deals in Washington than his opponents, since the problem on Capitol Hill isn’t the inability to make deals, but “the kind of deals they make”.

The Republican party has an especially urgent problem among two demographics it had hoped to reach out to in this presidential election cycle; Hispanics and women.


Declaring that the establishment’s grudging acceptance of Trump is motivated by their fear of a true conservative shaking up Washington is a smart move by Cruz – but the truth is they just really, really hate the Texas senator.

Donald Trump