
Bob Woodward compares Clinton emails to Nixon tapes

That’s because reviewers have screened only about 20 percent of the 30,000 emails Clinton returned to the State Department.


Neither man told viewers that the supposedly “missing” emails have been described as containing “personal and private” information. I would love to have all 60,000, read them, it would be a character study about her personal life, and, also, what she did as secretary of state.

As been the practiced throughout the scandal, the Clinton camp has been downplaying the significance, saying it is routine. “It remains our hope that this process not get hampered by bureaucratic considerations and that her emails be released as quickly and transparently [as] possible”.

While investigators have said at least two of the emails handed over to the State Department were categorized as “top secret”, Clinton’s camp says the emails were not classified at the time.

Another problem is the Colorado company Platte River Networks that set up Clinton’s server says that a backup copy of the entire server and every email was most probably set up. Who decided that? What’s on those emails?

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner for president in 2016, does not like what she is reading in the national media about her email scandal. It, in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes. “Well, they were sent to someone or someone sent them to her, so if things have been erased here, there’s a way to go back to who originated these emails or who received them from Hillary Clinton“. It, in a way, reminds me of the Nixon tapes: “thousands of hours of secretly recorded conversations that Nixon thought were exclusively his”, Woodward said. “Now they’re cooperating. But, this is – this has to go on a long, long time”.

Woodward concluded, in response to a question about the responsibilities of officials to ensure classified material doesn’t get out, “the first level of scrutiny is common sense”. Unlike Woodward, Thomas however, did not believe Clinton has the scandals Nixon had yet, but she cannot continue her behavior or else she will be going down the same road as Nixon did.


Watergate involved the president of the United States soliciting a break-in of a political party’s headquarters, suggesting payment of up to $1 million in hush money to bribe the burglars, being ordered by the Supreme Court to produce secret recordings of the planning for the cover-up of the burglary, and the resignation of a president for the first time in U.S. history.

Bob Woodward