
Bollywood star Salman Khan acquitted in hit-and-run case

HC in its verdict free salman Khan from all charges.


Just after Salman Khan’s 2002 hit and run case final verdict was announced today on December 10, twitter was flooded with jokes and memes on the verdict made by the court.

However, the Bombay Court on Thursday concluded that the prosecution had not established its case against the actor beyond a reasonable doubt as is required under criminal law.

Prosecutor Pradeep Gharat, who had secured the five-year jail sentence for the actor in the lower court, said the High Court verdict was “shocking”.

Salman rushed to Mumbai from a shooting schedule in Karjat in adjacent Raigad district following the court’s directive to be present on Thursday.

The verdict was dictated in an open court over the past three days.

Salman’s name is also part of a case in which he and few other Bollywood actors are accused of poaching blackbucks. In the FIR filed soon after the mishap, he did not implicate Khan but in the statement he said that Khan was driving under the influence of liquor, Indian media reported.

“On basis of evidences produced by the prosecution, the appellant can not be convicted, no matter how differently the common man thinks”, the court said.

Labourer Nurulah Mahbob Sharif was killed and several others were injured when the vehicle ploughed into them at speed as they slept on a street in the suburb of Bandra West. The company has exclusive rights to promote and use the Being Human brand name worldwide for its Clothing Products for the next 9 years and 3 months with Salman Khan as the brand ambassador.

Salman challenged the application of section 304-II of IPC in a Mumbai sessions court in March. In September 2002, the accident happened and in October 2002, Salman was charged and arrested in the case.

October 24, 2002: Salman granted bail.


On the main aspects as to driving and drunkenness the prosecution has not brought any material evidence which spells out the offence of the accused the court said. The actor claimed that his driver was behind the wheel, but the driver lodged a complaint against Salman that it was Salman and he was drunk.

HC asks Salman to be present in court during verdict