
Bookstore braces for return of Harry Potter

With the arrival of J.K Rowling’s newest addition to the “Harry Potter” series – the “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” play and accompanying book – comes another opportunity for kids to learn valuable life skills.


During 2016, the print version will be a “special rehearsal edition script”.

Those eager to find out what happens in the time-twisting instalment can read the review of 10-year-old Toby L’Estrange, a speed-reading prodigy who has been challenged by Amazon to write the first review of the new Harry Potter story. The play is now going to be released as a book on July 31, the day when J.K. Rowling celebrates turning 51.

The library has almost 60 holds placed for “Cursed Child”, and across the statewide system the library uses to borrow books from other libraries, there are more than 420 holds.

Britain’s Waterstones bookstore chain is holding book launch parties at 140 stores, including a bash over four floors of its London flagship store complete with themed refreshments, quizzes, props from the movies and a quidditch team.

“I don’t think that there’s anything that really levels up to Harry Potter”, manager Colin Holt said. It runs four hours and must be seen over the course of two performances.

It was always hard being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.

Harry and his wife Ginny Weasley wave off their youngest son Albus Severus to their old wizarding school, Hogwarts – but once there, Albus struggles with the weight of his family legacy and goes to extreme and risky lengths to right the wrongs of the past.

Beyond that, few plot details have leaked during nearly two months of previews.

“Would it be more about them watching me watch the show or would it take away from the show”. However, she is thrilled that the book will be coming out soon.

People across the country are dusting off their wands and cloaks as they prepare for the newest Harry Potter release this weekend.

She said the release party could see enough attendees that the party may have to be held outside the store as well as inside, and possibly at the Tiny Elephant Café next door.


“It was just so massive and it was just so overreaching culturally that it just can’t be duplicated, I don’t think”.

Where to celebrate Harry Potter release in Indy