
Boos for Ted Cruz after he fails to endorse ex-rival Trump

In accepting the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump painted a bleak picture on Thursday of an America buffeted by domestic problems and threats from outside while promising that he was uniquely qualified to meet those challenges.


Trump was introduced on the stage by his daughter Ivanka Trump who said that her father is the “People’s nominee”. He is color blind and gender neutral.

“One of the best reasons to vote for Donald Trump is not just because Mike Pence is a conservative, and he is, but because he’s a good and decent and honorable man who’s been one of the most effective governors in the country”, Walker said. Making his way through radio row, where he took turns denouncing the Texas Republican for various local listening audiences, Stone hinted that Trump would try and prop up an opponent to Cruz when he runs again for the Senate in 2018. They like Ted Cruz, but there was no way the Adelsons were going to be the first stop after not endorsing.

Overseas U.S. allies as well as voters at home will be closely watching his address, which comes the day after his suggestion that he might not defend America’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation partners as president.

John Moller of Juneau is a Cruz delegate.

His team hopes to close the convention on a more traditional note, with the businessman delivering a scripted speech to the convention crowd and millions of Americans watching on television.

Popular with supporters for his broad slogans, off-the-cuff style and promises to apply business savvy to the economy and get tough on immigration and security, Trump has been thin on policy. “But a lot of us conservatives are anxious that Donald Trump has not been detailed about a freedom, free-market oriented agenda”.

Instead he did neither, and GOP leaders and strategists say that the consequences for Cruz of his rogue moment will likely not be known for some time – at the very least not until the November election.

On the day he claimed the presidential nomination of Abraham Lincoln’s political party, Trump fired off some social-media missiles at the people he characterized as the embarrassed losers still refusing to back him.

Trump is expected to stick with some of his most contentious proposals, including his call for building a wall on the Mexican border.

Trump will also say that middle-income Americans and businesses will enjoy tax cuts and that taxes will be simplified for everyone.

Leading up to tonight, Trump is the top most-searched speaker.

In office, Trump promised to “put America first”.

“There are many good, decent, honorable people that I respect and admire who don’t want to vote for Donald Trump”, Walker said on the Sykes show, but a “vote for anyone other than Trump becomes a vote for Hillary Clinton”.

“NATO is an alliance based on common defense, and we all have to meet our responsibility”, he said.

Democrats, Republicans and global partners warned of the risks of backing away from North Atlantic Treaty Organisation obligations.

He also was the number 10 most-searched term on Google overnight in the United States.

Trump and his aides have been unable to put to rest questions about whether they can mount a sophisticated campaign to take on Clinton’s well-oiled operation.

Some of the responses I received echoed the themes of many speeches at this week’s Republican National Convention.

CLEVELAND Bourbon flowed, a jazz band played, and pink and violet lights bathed the vaulted stone ceilings at a party thrown by a liquor producers’ lobby group on Monday for attendees of the Republican National Convention. “Never ever.” Politico quoted Trump as saying.

Here’s what you need to know about day 4 of the RNC.

“My message is that things have to change and they have to change right now”, he added. Marco Rubio, joined Cruz in declining to endorse Trump.

The Texas senator refused to endorse Trump during his Wednesday speech, even as delegates loudly jeered him from the convention floor.

In his speech, Trump portrayed himself as a fresh alternative to traditional politicians, willing to consider new approaches to vexing problems and help working-class people who may feel abandoned.


Trump brushed aside the controversy, insisting Cruz was an outlier in an otherwise unified party.

Jeers from NY draw Cruz's attention