
Boston bombing victim says airlines lost prosthetic leg

American Airlines has found the luggage belonging to Boston Marathon bombing survivor Adrianne Haslet-Davis, after she took to Twitter Thursday calling out the company for losing luggage containing a few important equipment.


Adrianne Haslet lost much of her left leg in the attack at the finish line.

She tweeted at American Airlines Thursday night asking for a response on the search for her missing leg.

Hi @AmericanAir u lost my luggage w over $250k of leg & dance parts. “Pls respond, been days can’t dance #retweet”.

“We’re terribly sorry we lost this bag and we’re working directly with the customer to get it back to her just as soon as possible”, said the airline’s Senior Manager for Corporate Communications Joshua Freed, in an e-mail to the Globe.

Haslet-Davis tweeted Friday that her bag “went to a country I’ve never been to” and says the airline is trying to find it.


Haslet-Davis’ tweet has been shared by over 100 people, many of whom are slamming American Airlines while also calling on news media to publicize Haslet-Davis’ story.

Adrianne Haslet-Davis Boston Marathon bombing survivor and amputee receives a Med Star NRH Victory Award