
Boston police add $89000 ice cream truck to patrol fleet

The latest vehicle to join the Boston police fleet is an ice cream truck.


Police and city officials got a head start on Monday with Operation Hoodsie Cup – using a mobile truck and handing out free ice cream and food. The department also has an ice cream truck, purchased by the St. Louis Police Foundation.

In the past five years, Boston Police have handed out more than 120,000 Hoodsie Cups through the “Operation Hoodsie Cup” community outreach program, according to the department’s own estimate. “I would’ve said you were insane”, Commissioner William B. Evans said in a release.

Get free real-time news alerts from the Boston Patch. “But, I absolutely love the new truck and everything this program represents”. “This is a way to have the police and young people interact in a positive setting”. Special thanks to @BostonPoliceFnd for making it possible’.

After police relations with the community caught on fire and burned much goodwill, the Boston Police Department is turning to ice cream diplomacy to cool things down.

For what it’s worth, “Hoodsie Cup” is NOT a reference to “the hood”, but is the name of an ice cream treat sold by HP Hood LLC.


“When you think about community policing… you think about relationships on the street”, Walsh said.

The truck will be used as part of'Operation Hoodsie Cup' a community policing initiative that has distributed roughly 120,000 free ice cream cups since 2010