
Bowser and Blue’s Justin Trudeau anthem resurfaces

Earlier this year I wrote a story based on comments from Robert Brownstone, a leading neuroscientist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, who said that he left the country to take up a post at University College London due to the Canadian government’s “worrisome” research funding cuts.


The parallels between the Trudeau win in Canada in 2015 and the Barack Obama campaign in the 2008 – another campaign I had the privilege of covering – are obvious, and not just because the Liberals accepted help and advice from veterans of that Obama triumph. There will be Canadians who don’t like the direction the country may go under the new government or may not agree with certain policies and procedures but then again the same could be said about the Conservative rule under Harper. No one wants tax dollars to be spent frivolously or foolishly, but we should be proud to pay our share towards making Canada great. Ultimately, Trudeau has a government to run in Ottawa and the political constituency that swept to power the Liberals after a long hiatus has a more critical approach to Israel than do Conservative voters. Impressions of job security, real estate and personal finances showed little change over the past week. “We all have to work together”, said the spokesperson.

I think it’s a safe bet that much of the media, for example, will never be our friends, but there is nothing to be gained from treating them as our mortal enemy.

Canada’s newly elected Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is young, blue-eyed, with the looks and build of a model and a bit of the photogenic charm of Obama.

“The good news is that people are optimistic”, Nanos said. I would like to remind you that we recently signed an agreement on free trade zone with Canada. That remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, Stephen Harper will formally resign as prime minister on November 4, just before the Liberal government is sworn in. Mr. Harper chose to sow division and negativity, pitting Canadians against Canadians.

The Indian-Canadians more than doubled their representation in the Canadian parliament from eight to 19, as Canadians voted out the Conservative Party in a landslide of 184 seats in the 338-member House to the Liberal Party.

Trudeau told the AFNs’ annual general assembly in July that a Liberal government would conduct a full review of existing legislation imposed on aboriginals-vowing to rescind measures that are in conflict with either constitutional rights or the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Although the results were surprising, many weren’t shocked (or sorry) to see the back of conservative PM Stephen Harper. It is enough to mention Chrystia Freeland, the legendary journalist and politician of Ukrainian origin and a long-term friend of Ukraine. Primarily, it saw Canada solving its internal issues. An evolving country is a progressive one.


“We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors, those who operate a motor vehicle while under its influence and those who sell it outside of the new regulatory framework”. “When it comes to addressing climate change, we’re walking the talk not only by reducing our emissions, but by helping governments and communities across Canada adapt and secure a low carbon and prosperous future”.

Electoral Reform in Canada