
Boy falls from roller coaster at Pennsylvania amusement park

A 3-year-old boy was thrown from a roller coaster without seatbelts in Pennsylvania on Thursday.


A child who reportedly fell this afternoon from a roller coaster at the Idlewild and SoakZone amusement park in Ligonier was flown to a Pittsburgh hospital in a medical helicopter.

The Rollo Coaster is a 78-year-old wooden ride that is 40-feet high at the highest point and moves riders along between 10 and 25 miles an hour, park spokesman Jeff Croushore said.

No details about the boy’s condition have been released. But Mary Beth Eslary, spokeswoman for the Westmoreland County Department of Public Safety, said the patient was conscious while being attended to by an ambulance crew on the premises. “I don’t have the exact location on the ride (where he fell), but middle part of the ride, track”, Croushore said.

The Rollo Coaster takes riders up, down and around a wooded hillside. An investigation was continuing, and the park reopened Wednesday though the ride will remain closed for the season.

Earlier this week, the son of a Kansas state representative was killed on the Verruckt, the tallest waterslide in the world.

A 3-year-old boy fell off a Pittsburgh area rollercoaster Thursday, officials said.

NBC News reports the kids “tumbled” from the wheel’s basket at the Greene County Fair as it overturned. There are almost 1,650 inspectors of the Department that monitor more than 10,200 rides in the state, and they are also responsible for auditing rides and local inspectors. Park guests said the slide’s harness wasn’t working properly the day when Caleb died.

It isn’t clear which roller coaster the child was riding on.

– Always use safety equipment such as seat belts and safety bars. If you don’t think he/she will be able to follow the rules, keep him/her off the ride.

Keep hands, arms, legs and feet inside the ride at all times.


Never force anyone, especially children, to ride attractions they don’t want to ride.

Shown is the entrance to Idlewild and Soak Zone amusement park in Lingonier Pa. where a boy fell from a wooden roller-coaster on Thursday