
Boy finds $8000 at the park

According to WBZ-TV, Aiden Wright’s character was tested Saturday when he found $8,000 while playing at a park in a Massachusetts neighborhood.


Salem Police Sgt. Kathleen Makros confirmed to the The Associated Press that Aiden and his uncle, Daniel Wright, did return the money at 11 a.m. Sunday. “I just said, ‘Fork it over, ‘” Wright tells the Salem News. Within an hour, a local man claimed the found item.

Santos had the money in his pocket as he was playing with his children in the park.

Santos gave 7-year-old Aiden $100 as a reward for turning in the money. “I am so grateful, you know, because we don’t have people like this no more”, said Santos. “Officer asked him if he’s missing anything or got robbed and he fished in his pocket immediately and said I am missing $8,000”, Desmond said.

Following their discussion, Danny said Aiden “happily” agreed to bring the money to the police station.

Parents of Aiden Wright, 7, say they have always taught the boy to be honest.

While some would probably hesitated, Aiden and his uncle did not.

(Paul burton/reporter) “Your being called a hero”.


(Ellen Wright/Mom) “He’s been taught from day one to do the right thing”. Do you think any other kid his age would have done the same thing? The man said he told his nephew that he was “going to learn an important lesson today”.

Danny Wright
Seven-year-old Aiden Wright found $8000 in a Massachusetts park and returned it to its owner