
Boy shot with BB gun in face returns to lemonade stand

Police then took a report of someone shooting a BB gun in Sunset Park.


At 3:45 p.m., officers were dispatched to Arthur Court in Kimberly for the report of a 9-year-old boy who was shot in the face with a BB while hosting a lemonade stand.

Investigators are recommending felony charges of injury by negligent use of a risky weapon.

The budding beverage entrepreneur said he was riding back to his stand when a man with a pistol shot him near his left eye. “He shot it and it went right here”, said Jayden Grant about the incident. A similar vehicle description was reported in both cases.

The description of the suspect’s vehicle matched one given in the earlier incidents and police were able to use surveillance video of the auto to track down Tetzlaff, who was then arrested.

He is a suspect in unrelated thefts and ordinance violations, police say.

Anyone with information regarding these incidents is asked to call the Fox Valley Metro Police Department at 920-788-7505.

Despite the scare, Jayden and his friends were back at the stand Tuesday, and business was good.

His parents encouraged him so that he wouldn’t be afraid of the neighborhood.


“You gotta get lemonade, you gotta get cups”, says Jayden. “He can make better choices”.

Fox Valley 9-year-old shot in face with BB