
Brandon Marshall Kneels During Anthem To ‘Create Dialogue’

Broncos coach Gary Kubiak said he is supportive of Marshall’s decision not to stand.


The Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers are taking the field for the NFL season opener, and the National Anthem brought one person joining Colin Kaepernick.

The NBC-TV feed showed no other players kneeling and commentator Al Michaels said there was nobody else demonstrating.

You’re probably aware of San Francisco 49ers’ Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem protest and all the controversy surrounding it.

Marshall is glad that Kaepernick has spawned a discussion about race relations in America, and though he won’t join him in protest, he respects his right to do so.

“When I look at the American flag, I see a bunch of fights”.

This is a trend sparked by 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling anthem protest, which is created to draw attention to injustices against America’s black community.

So it should come as no surprise that it came up during last night’s National Football League season opener between the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers. For example, this weekend, the entire Seattle Seahawks team is considering some sort of a protest during the singing of the anthem.

The NFL said on Friday it will commemorate the 15th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States during games on Sunday, the same day when some players plan to protest during the US national anthem. “I personally believe very strongly in that”.

“I think President Obama said it best, and I think a lot of guys said it: That’s his constitutional right”.

Earlier this week, the Jets’ Marshall voiced his support for Kaepernick, calling him “one of the biggest patriots out there”.


But…let me get this straight, a peaceful protest is the problem? Marshall said his gesture was due to “social injustice” in the nation.

Colin Kaepernick